The Dynamist

The Geopolitics of our Energy Future w/ Alec Stapp

Episode Summary

Evan and the Institute for Progress' Alec Stapp discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on global energy policy, what “energy abundance” looks like, and how policymakers in the U.S. can find common ground on climate policy.

Episode Notes

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing war put energy policy in the global spotlight. The dependence of European nations like Germany on Russian oil and gas played a significant factor in Putin’s aggression and continues to finance the Kremlin’s war effort. In the U.S., Republicans and Democrats continue to spar over our energy future. Many Democrats want a “Green New Deal,” while Republicans accuse the Biden administration of curtailing domestic oil and gas production. My guest, Alec Stapp, argues that an agenda of energy abundance can solve seemingly intractable fights. He is the co-founder and co-CEO of the Institute for Progress, a non-partisan research and advocacy organization.

Read Alec’s recent piece in The Atlantic, “Climate Relief Can’t Wait for Utopia”