The Dynamist

Social Media: Firehose, Filter Bubble, or Book Club? w/ Richard Reisman

Episode Summary

Evan and Lincoln Network Senior Fellow Richard Reisman discuss the debate over social media regulation and whether these tech platforms can more closely resemble the physical world.

Episode Notes

The debate over whether and how to regulate social media has been boiling for years. The Supreme Court may have the final say, but will a ruling address mounting complaints with how these platforms work, from misinformation to censorship? Evan is joined by Richard Reisman, founder of Teleshuttle Corporation, an innovation studio based in New York City. He argues that fixing social media requires a fundamental rethink that moves us past the firehoses and filter bubbles that most Americans experience online. Can social media be more like bars, churches, and clubs where people filter their experiences in the physical world? And what’s the difference between freedom of expression and freedom of impression?

Delegation, Or, The Twenty Nine Words That The Internet Forgot,” by Richard Reisman and Chris Riley in Tech Policy Press

Clubhouse, a Tiny Audio Chat App, Breaks Through,” by Erin Griffith and Taylor Lorenz in New York Times

Free Speech Is Not the Same As Free Reach,” by Renee DiResta in WIRED

Smartly Intertwingled, Richard Reisman's blog

"Into the Plativerse through Fiddleware," by Richard Reisman